Breakfast Briefing: Finance Leadership for the Digital Age
10th March 2020
Grafton Banks Finance and Grafton Banks Executive Search host breakfast briefing
Are you ready?
Over 30 finance business leaders including CFOs, FDs and Directors gathered on Friday morning to attend Grafton Banks Finance’s breakfast briefing ’Finance Leadership for the Digital Age – are you ready?’
This fully subscribed event was held at The Gatwick Hilton and had attendees from a broad spectrum of businesses across Surrey, Sussex and Kent from SMEs to global corporations.
After informal networking over breakfast, the group gathered to enjoy a session broken up into a series of presentation and free discussion sections.
Andy Jones of AQ Revolution shared his thoughts and insights from recent research on:
- Why a different style of finance leadership is required in a world without certainty
- What is different about finance leadership in the digital age
- How CFOs and Finance Directors are responding to the required changes
- What might be holding them back and how to address this.
Andy is a qualified chartered accountant, who has held various board level roles leading global teams within companies including Credit Suisse, Macquarie and Fidelity International.
He is a founding partner of AQ Revolution, a consultancy combining behavioural science and executive experience to enable leaders and their teams to generate the mind set to thrive and grow in a changing finance world.
The focus of the event was to offer FD and CFO level finance professionals the opportunity to network with their peer group in the market and to explore the opportunity to make changes to drive the performance of the teams they lead.
The delegates enjoyed a lively round table discussion, freely exchanging thoughts and ideas, under Chatham House rules. Amongst many things, discussions covered IT challenges, change management, communication, diversity and emotional intelligence and looked at the impact that structure, training, time, cost, culture and generational issues have on the successful leadership of teams.
The morning had resoundingly positive feedback, described by one attendee as a “well organised, very interesting and enjoyable event”
Should you wish to register interest in our next breakfast briefing please contact Alex Gregory on alex@graftonbanks.co.uk
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